Source code for

# Copyright 2019-Present Sonatype Inc.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

# encoding: utf-8

import logging
from argparse import ArgumentParser
from typing import Any, Dict, Optional, Union
from urllib.parse import urlparse

import requests
from import Bom
from cyclonedx.output import get_instance
from polling2 import poll_decorator  # type: ignore
from requests.auth import HTTPBasicAuth
from rich.progress import Progress

from . import BaseCommand, jake_version
from . import parser_selector

[docs] class IqCommand(BaseCommand):
[docs] class IqServerApi: """ Internal Nexus Lifecycle API class @todo In the future this and other API accessor classes may be moved to their own PyPi package to enable wider reuse. """
[docs] _logger: logging.Logger = logging.getLogger('')
[docs] _DEFAULT_HEADERS = { 'User-Agent': 'jake/{}'.format(jake_version) }
def __init__(self, server_url: str, username: str, password: str) -> None: self._server_url: str = urlparse(server_url).geturl() self._username: str = username self._password: str = password if self._validate_server(): self._auth: Optional[HTTPBasicAuth] = HTTPBasicAuth(username, password) else: self._auth = None self._logger.error( 'IQ server at {} does not appear accessible or in a ready-state to receive requests'.format( self._server_url ) )
[docs] def scan_application_with_bom(self, bom: Bom, iq_public_application_id: str, iq_scan_stage: str) -> Any: """ This method is intentionally blocking. We submit a CycloneDX BOM to Nexus IQ for evaluation and then continuously poll IQ to determine when the results are available. Once available, we grab the results and then this method will return. """ iq_bom_submit_response = self._submit_bom( bom=bom, iq_internal_application_id=self._get_internal_application_id_from_public_application_id( iq_public_application_id=iq_public_application_id ), iq_scan_stage=iq_scan_stage ) iq_status_url = iq_bom_submit_response['statusUrl'] self._logger.debug('Status URL to check is {}'.format(iq_status_url)) self._logger.debug('Starting to poll IQ for results') iq_report_response = self._get_scan_report_results(status_uri=iq_status_url) self._logger.debug('Polling for IQ results has stopped') return iq_report_response
[docs] def _get_internal_application_id_from_public_application_id(self, iq_public_application_id: str) -> str: """ Attempts to obtain the internal ID of the Application from Nexus IQ """ iq_response = self.__make_request( uri='/api/v2/applications?publicId={}'.format(iq_public_application_id) ) if 'applications' not in iq_response.keys(): raise ValueError('Response from IQ is missing the \'applications\' key. Cannot parse') if len(iq_response['applications']) == 1: return str(iq_response['applications'][0]['id']) else: message = 'There were {} matching Applications found in IQ for {}'.format( len(iq_response['applications']), iq_public_application_id ) self._logger.warning(message) raise ValueError(message)
@poll_decorator(step=10, timeout=300, log_error=logging.DEBUG) # type: ignore
[docs] def _get_scan_report_results(self, status_uri: str) -> Union[Any, bool]: try: response = self.__make_request( uri='/{}'.format(status_uri) ) if 'isError' in response.keys() and not response['isError']: return response else: return False except ValueError: return False
[docs] def _submit_bom(self, bom: Bom, iq_internal_application_id: str, iq_scan_stage: str) -> Any: self._logger.debug( 'Submitting BOM to IQ for Application {} at stage {}'.format(iq_internal_application_id, iq_scan_stage) ) return self.__make_request( uri='/api/v2/scan/applications/{}/sources/jake?stageId={}'.format( iq_internal_application_id, iq_scan_stage ), method='POST', body_data=get_instance(bom=bom).output_as_string(), additional_headers={'Content-Type': 'application/xml'} )
[docs] def _validate_server(self) -> bool: response = requests.get(url='{}/ping'.format(self._server_url), timeout=5) if response.status_code == 200 and response.text.strip() == 'pong': return True else: self._logger.error('IQ Server at {} is not available: {} - {}'.format( self._server_url, response.status_code, response.text )) return False
[docs] def __make_request(self, uri: str, body_data: Optional[str] = None, additional_headers: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None, method: str = 'GET') -> Any: if not additional_headers: additional_headers = {} self._logger.debug('Beginning request to IQ {}'.format(uri)) response = requests.request( method=method, url='{}{}'.format(self._server_url, uri), data=(body_data.encode('UTF-8') if body_data else None), auth=self._auth, headers={**self._DEFAULT_HEADERS, **additional_headers} ) if response.ok: self._logger.debug(' OK response {}'.format(response.status_code)) # We always expect JSON response from IQ at this time return response.json() else: raise ValueError(response.text)
def __init__(self) -> None: super().__init__() self._iq_server: Union['IqCommand.IqServerApi', None] = None
[docs] def handle_args(self) -> int: exit_code: int = 0 input_source_msg = "your python environment" if self.arguments.sbom_input_type == "ENV" else "provided specs" with Progress() as progress: task_validate_iq = progress.add_task( description="[yellow]Checking out your Nexus IQ Server", start=True, total=10 ) task_parser = progress.add_task( description=f"[yellow]Collecting packages in {input_source_msg}", start=True, total=10 ) task_query_iq = progress.add_task( description="[yellow]Submitting to Nexus Lifecycle for Policy Evaluation", start=True, total=10 ) # task_validate_iq self._iq_server = self.IqServerApi( server_url=self.arguments.iq_server_url, username=self.arguments.iq_username, password=self.arguments.iq_password ) progress.update( task_validate_iq, completed=10, description=f"๐Ÿ [green]IQ Server at {self.arguments.iq_server_url} is up and accessible" ) # task_parser parser = parser_selector.get_parser( self.arguments.sbom_input_type, self.arguments.sbom_input_source ) total_packages_collected = len(parser.get_components()) progress.update( task_parser, completed=10, description=f'๐Ÿ [green]Collected {total_packages_collected} packages from {input_source_msg}' ) # task_query_iq progress.start_task(task_query_iq) iq_response = self._iq_server.scan_application_with_bom( bom=Bom.from_parser(parser=parser), iq_public_application_id=self.arguments.iq_application_id, iq_scan_stage=self.arguments.iq_scan_stage ) if iq_response['policyAction'] == 'Failure': progress.update( task_query_iq, completed=10, description='๐Ÿ’ฅ [red]Snakes on the plane! There are policy failures from Sonatype Nexus IQ.' ) exit_code = 1 elif iq_response['policyAction'] == 'Warning': progress.update( task_query_iq, completed=10, description='๐Ÿงจ [orange]Something slithers around your ankle! ' 'There are policy warnings from Sonatype Nexus IQ.' ) else: progress.update( task_query_iq, completed=10, description='๐Ÿ [green]Sonatype Nexus IQ Policy Evaluation complete with ZERO snakes.' ) print('') print('Your Sonatype Nexus IQ Lifecycle Report is available here:') print(' HTML: {}/{}'.format(self.arguments.iq_server_url, iq_response['reportHtmlUrl'])) print(' PDF: {}/{}'.format(self.arguments.iq_server_url, iq_response['reportPdfUrl'])) print('') return exit_code
[docs] def get_argument_parser_name(self) -> str: return 'iq'
[docs] def get_argument_parser_help(self) -> str: return 'perform a scan backed by Sonatype Nexus Lifecycle'
[docs] def setup_argument_parser(self, arg_parser: ArgumentParser) -> None: parser_selector.add_parser_selector_arguments(arg_parser) arg_parser.add_argument('-s', '--server-url', help='Full http(s):// URL to your Nexus Lifecycle server', metavar='https://localhost:8070', required=True, dest='iq_server_url') arg_parser.add_argument('-i', '--application-id', help='Public Application ID in Nexus Lifecycle', metavar='APP_ID', required=True, dest='iq_application_id') arg_parser.add_argument('-u', '--username', help='Username for authentication to Nexus Lifecycle', metavar='USER_ID', required=True, dest='iq_username') arg_parser.add_argument('-p', '--password', help='Password for authentication to Nexus Lifecycle', metavar='PASSWORD', required=True, dest='iq_password') arg_parser.add_argument('-st', '--stage', help='The stage for the report', metavar='STAGE', required=False, dest='iq_scan_stage', default='source')