Helper class that provides a standard way to create an ABC using |
Module Contents
- class jake.command.iq.IqCommand[source]
Helper class that provides a standard way to create an ABC using inheritance.
- class IqServerApi(server_url: str, username: str, password: str)[source]
Internal Nexus Lifecycle API class
- @todo In the future this and other API accessor classes may be moved to their own PyPi package to enable
wider reuse.
- scan_application_with_bom(bom: cyclonedx.model.bom.Bom, iq_public_application_id: str, iq_scan_stage: str) Any [source]
This method is intentionally blocking.
We submit a CycloneDX BOM to Nexus IQ for evaluation and then continuously poll IQ to determine when the results are available. Once available, we grab the results and then this method will return.
- _get_internal_application_id_from_public_application_id(iq_public_application_id: str) str [source]
Attempts to obtain the internal ID of the Application from Nexus IQ